Hi All
As many of you know I am currently studying a degree in Sports Science, my first one, a BA (Hons) in Business Enterprise set me in good stead but I needed something a little more specific for the projects that I now find myself involved in.
The BSc (Hons) in Sports Science is being offered by MMU out of their Cheshire campus and I am studying in a flexible learning format, much like an open university course. I have found the first two years to be incredibly useful and interesting, having gained a wide range of new knowledge and practical skills.
The course is set over 5 years and covers a wide range of modules including physiology, sports psychology, research skills, performance enhancement, coaching skills, etc… The modules are a good mixture of theory, pracical and industry experiance gleemed from the tutors.
Really this post is to encourage any personal trainers out there who may be thinking of taking their learning to the next level to jump onto a degree program. I strongly suggest those offered by the Sports Science department at MMU, who have some very experienced and knowledgable tutors!
I will be writing more about this over the year, so if your interested in this degre programs do let me know!